The Importance of Prayer
Dr. Shaun Brooks
The Importance of Prayer
As I sit and reflect on the topic of prayer, I realize it is one of the least practiced disciplines, yet the most urgent task the church is called to. The greatest battles in Scripture were won through the power of prayer and deep, abiding faith in God’s power. A powerful example of this is found in Exodus 17:8-15, where Moses prayed for the Israelites as they fought the Amalekites. When Moses grew tired and lowered his hands, the Israelites faced setbacks, but when he raised them, they gained victory. Aaron and Hur recognized this and supported Moses by providing him with a rock to sit on and holding up his arms, ensuring the battle was won.
I wonder, when things aren’t going well in church and the leaders’ arms are slumped, how quick are we to lend our support? Like Aaron and Hur, are we supporting them through prayer and engagement? Their quick understanding of the connection between ministry and prayer made all the difference that day, and the same can be said for the spiritual battles we face today.
In contrast, Christ’s disciples fell short in their duties when it came time to support our Lord. When Jesus asked them to join Him in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, as seen in Matthew 26:36-46, they fell asleep instead. As a result, they suffered defeat at the hands of the enemy, eventually fleeing from Christ, with Peter later denying Him three times. The equation is simple: if you fail to pray, you plan to fail.
So, make prayer a habit. Pray daily for your church family. Pray for the entire membership, including those you rarely speak to. Pray for your leaders. Ask God to strengthen the church in its areas of weakness. Pray that God will secure our victory as a church as we glorify His name.