

Prayerfully serving the needs of the people.


Dr. Shaun Brooks

Dr. Shaun Brooks hails from the parish of St. James. He later migrated to New Jersey, where he spent most of his formative years. After studying one year of business in college, Shaun was impressed that the Lord wanted him to study for the ministry. His calling led him to Northern Caribbean University, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Religion in 2000.

After his studies, he worked as a Pastor for five years in the East Jamaica Conference and, in June 2005, was ordained to the gospel ministry. After completing his Masters in Divinity program at Andrews University, he was called by the Georgia-Cumberland Conference, now serving as pastor for this local church body.

In May of 2019, Shaun completed his Doctorate in Family Ministry at Andrews University and made it an emphasis to minister to families with specials needs.

Recently Shaun completed his first book entitled “The Amazing Side Effects of Prayer,” designed to strengthen individuals in their walk with God.

Shaun is married to Stacy-Ann and they have four wonderful children – Annabelle, Leilani, Caleb, and Isaac.

His goal is to share the love of Jesus to every heart and home and ensure that the church is a safe place for God’s people to meet.

The Amazing Side Effects of Prayer

Dr. Brooks desires to inspire faith in others by sharing the most powerful tool before them – Prayer. Though many view prayer as a way to get what you want when you want it, this book explores some of the effects that may transpire in your life when you pray and approach God.

Head Elder

Clifford Hunter

Clifford Hunter is not only a scholar of God’s word, but an educator. After pursing coursework in business and other studies in Costa Rica he became a teacher.

Born into the Adventist message, Clifford was ordained an elder in the Central Seventh-day Adventist Church in San Salvador. There he met his wife, Berta. They are proud parents to Clifford Jr. and wife Ruth. And enjoy watching grandson Ethan grow.

Clifford strives to walk those golden streets in the earth made new and seeks your prayers as he prays for you.