Community Services

Community Services

For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in.

Matthew 25:35

Ministry Leader : Nondumiso Johnson

This ministry functions by establishing relationships and working together with other ministries, other organizations, non profits and individuals to achieve common goals or address shared challenges. The goal is to foster synergy and achieve greater impact that would be impossible by working alone.


We aim to improve the overall well-being and satisfaction of the community members by learning needs and then providing them with more comprehensive support and resources.


Serving communities in Christ’s name.

Are you currently in need of assistance?

Are you currently in need of assistance?

Submit a request for assistance consideration.

Donate to the needs of the community

Donate to the needs of the community

Make a monetary or supplies donation.

Drive-Thru Food Pantry