Boldly Come
Dr. Shaun Brooks
Boldly Come
One of the greatest privileges we have as members of the body of Christ is the opportunity to come to Him in prayer. Jesus invites us to approach the throne of God boldly. To illustrate this, consider the story of Esther. She was initially terrified to approach the Persian king, knowing that doing so without permission could cost her life. Yet, after prayer and gaining courage, she stepped forward boldly. To her relief, the king extended his scepter, allowing her to approach, and through this sequence of events, God delivered His people (Esther 5).
Similarly, we are invited to approach not just any king, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. At times, we may feel anxious or unworthy because of our sins—our past mistakes may shout accusations of hypocrisy, and Satan relentlessly pursues us. Yet, despite our fears, we have the privilege and the opportunity to come before a gracious God who loves us deeply.
The Persian king favored Esther because he was enamored with her, but she had no guarantee of his response. In contrast, Christ extends a sure invitation to us to approach the throne room of God with confidence. We are called to trust in His grace and favor, to stand on His promises, and to remember that in His presence, there is fullness of joy.
What if we approached the throne of grace with urgency and persistence, laying hold of the promises of God? Imagine the transformation in our lives and families if we gathered together with eagerness to seek Him. Perfect love casts out fear, and this is the time for us to embrace the truth that God loves us with an everlasting love.
Consider this: how would you feel if your child came to you daily asking, “Do you love me today? Mom, I did the dishes; now do you love me? I went to school and got an A; now do you love me?” As parents, we would be heartbroken if our children questioned the constancy of our love. Shouldn’t we approach God with the same assurance? Let’s not diminish the character of Christ by coming to Him with doubt and hesitation. Instead, let us boldly approach the throne of grace, knowing that He welcomes us as His beloved children, with a love that is eternal and unchanging.